GraphQL-first commerce API
The headless commerce stack you can flex
Stackzero allows developers to create ultra-flexible commerce applications without having to worry about any selling logic or payment integrations.
Your code
Your store
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Quickstart your store with a single command
Stackzero allows you to create a scalable commerce infrastructure with just 1 command. Leverage the flexibility of our GraphQL API and combine it with any storefront or UI framework.
A powerful GraphQL API
With an API-first approach, APIs are at the core of delivering commerce value. Stackzero is GraphQL native and retrieves only the data you asked for, which helps improve performance while reducing call size.
How it fits in your stack
You pick the front-end. We bring the logic
Connect Stackzero to virtually any UI framework and site. From simple HTML pages to sleek React-powered web apps, you can turn any client into a powerful selling machine
In a rush?
Clone our React template
Clone our React template
Admin UI
Built-in dashboard that you'll enjoy using
The easiest way for you and your team to manage all your stores
Products inventory
Add products and create any kind of variant combination.
Order management
Check order status, process returns and refunds in a few clicks.
Real-time analytics
Deep dive into your store's data to uncover patterns and compare results.
Multi-regions commerce
From local commerce to planet scale
Enable international commerce and activate new markets in minutes.
Expand your stores across the globe with a single tool
Set-up international regions, custom products, rules and prices across different markets and currencies.
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(USD ) $29.95
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